Sunday, November 30, 2008

Slowing Down

Call me old-fashioned, but I often wish that we could go back to the days when Sunday was considered a day of rest. Maybe most people still see Sundays as that, but I don't. I think people are often running around, trying to get things done that they can't during the week. I would love to have Sundays where no one worked, stores were closed, life was about going to church and spending time with family.

I don't think too many people would agree with me since we are in a 24/7 kind of society. But a girl can wish, can't she?


Jaime said...

Yeah I know what you mean totally....We try to make Sunday's more relaxing regardless of what everyone else does. We usually spend it at home or with family.

How did you get this twitter thing on your blog? I tried to go to the apps in blogger but none of them will

Kim said...

I agree! We need a day of rest, a day to recuperate....

Sarah said...

I went to twitter, signed up, then pasted the code into my blog. I think.

Jaime said...

awesome thanks.....