Sunday, December 7, 2008

I can't stand it

When I say I can't stand it, I actually mean myself. I can't stand myself today. I think I should have stayed in bed so the outside world wouldn't have to deal with me.

To say that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed would be an understatement. I woke up at 11 (remember me saying how I can't sleep past 9?--I stand corrected), and when Mike asked me how I liked the new tv, all I could say was that I thought the picture looked grainy. I should have thanked him for getting the old one out of living room and setting the new one up. Instead, I chose to be a brat.

After running to the grocery store, I come home where Mike helps me get the groceries out of the car, and then goes back into the basement. Um, hello?? I need some help with the groceries! I say this to him and he makes a remark about me being able to handle the 3 bags. I then retort that he can't just sit on his butt and play video games all day even if it is his only day off.

See, what I mean? I'm a grouch today and shouldn't be talking to anyone, especially MIke. I hate feeling like this. I think I need to go back to bed.


Unknown said...

I completely know how you are feeling. I am that way a lot, I used to be able to blame PMS, but now I just blame infertility because it's pretty constant these days. Just wanted you to know that I can relate (and so can my husband). I'm praying for you everyday! :)

Kim said...

Blech. I feel like a broken record, but I agree....

We should to a girls night with that bottle of wine you talked about. Unwind, do whatever. =D

Jaime said...

Oh girl I totally know how you feel. I do the same thing to Josh...but sometimes I really think I am gosh I am not...I shouldn't do that to people. What makes us do that.

I agree with Kim, even tho I really don't know you, but girls night out sounds good...hehehe

Becky said...

We all have days like this, my dear. Please don't beat yourself up over it. The best thing to do is do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face -- for me, that's reading a book in a hot bath. My grown-up version of a time-out!