Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 on Tuesday

1. We have a major picky eater phase going on in our house right now. I am frustrated and running out of ideas on what to feed the girls. They seem to eat only yogurt, cheese, pasta, hot dogs and fruit. Ugh! I try to give them what Mike and I eat, but it's not happening. They refuse.

2. The spring heatwave is over and we are back into the 50's. I am not a spring kind of girl. I like the full on heat of summer, and am so ready for it. I am not however, prepared to dress like it is summer. My summer wardrobe is seriously lacking!

3. Speaking of summer clothes, I've decided that I need to start putting away money for the girls clothes for the next season. Maybe that way I won't be sent into hyperventilation when I'm checking out.

4. Taylor is vocalizing more and more everyday, and that makes me so happy. Still waiting to hear from the speech therapist about setting up her first appointment. Like usual, I guess I will be the one to follow up with them. Her doctor also wants her to have bloodwork done to test her hormone levels since she is in the 95-97th for weight and height. Never thought it would be an issue--she's been "big" since she was born. Her weight has always been consistent with her height, but he wants to rule out a hormone problem. I am dreading taking her to get her blood drawn. It will not be a happy time.

5. I was thinking of putting the girls in swimming lessons this spring, but I will probably push this back until Fall. Morgan likes the water but Taylor, not so much. I don't know how she will do with swimming lessons.

6. Love, love, love this chalkboard from Jen at I Heart Organizing.

She makes it look super easy, and I think it's going to be next on my project list. I think it would be great for my kitchen!

7. I am also loving Shutterfly! I just received an offer for a free 8x8 photo book, and I couldn't resist. Well, I did have to pay shipping, so really, it wasn't free, but who could pass up $8 for a hard cover photo book? Not me! I also have my eye on one of these bad boys...

You can put your own pics on your IPhone case! Really love this...

8.I want to start eating healthier, but I am struggling. Junk food just seems to call my name! I can't seem to put down the cookies.

9. I've been thinking about the girls 2nd birthday and have decided that it's going to be a low-key event. No huge party this time around. I think I stressed myself out over their 1st, and am not in any rush to do it again. I would rather have family and a few friends over for a barbecue and just have it be a relaxed atmosphere.

10. Hunger Games this weekend! Have you seen it yet?

1 comment:

Jaime said...

HOw was HUnger Games? I can't wait to see it even tho I never read the books. LOL