Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Preach it!

"I’m also prone to mental defeat when the enemy has pitched me a great opportunity to obsess about something or to give way to fear and stress. Each of these represents perfect moments to turn to my Scripture memory. There are tons of things we COULD think about today but we have the power in Jesus’ Name to choose the things that edify our spirits and renew our minds. Remember, every defeat and every victory takes place on the battlefield of the mind before it erupts in the exterior life. Listen, Darling Things, we don’t have to let every mental struggle turn into a stronghold. We can successfully cut things off at the pass. And this is one huge way we do it."--BETH MOORE

I needed to hear this today. I can SO relate! Now, I just have to decide what my new Scripture verse is going to be for April1-14. Hmmm.......

1 comment:

AmberDenae said...

WOW! That is so good and so true! Thanks for sharing!