Monday, January 11, 2010

Slightly grumpy

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I just feel so grumpy. Maybe it's because I started my morning by almost biting it trying to get into my car (thanks a lot snow and ice). Or maybe it's because I am SO sick of my hair already (it's been forever since I've gotten a hair cut) and it feels like it just lays there most days. Or perhaps it's because once again, Mike and I are having the infamous "What do you want for dinner?" game. We have run out of dinner ideas, and it's making me grumpy.

Ok, enough. Hopefully, my dinner of macaroni and cheese and a baked potato (ahh, comfort food!) followed by a night of The Bachelor and CSI Miami will make me feel better.

Sorry for the whiny post...


The Coach's Wife said...

I just got my haircut yesterday...I was feeling the same way! Just tired of the hair and since I just lay just gets all nasty!

Jaime said...

Yeah it always feels good to get a good hair cut. I know I was feeling totally frumpy before I just got mine cut.
You are allowed to have grumpy days...we all are. Hope things turn around. keep smiling!

Love with a Latte said...

Thanks for your sweet comment Sara. It really makes me feel so much better having "friends" who care! I love your dinner idea- mac and cheese and baked potato- sounds like my dream meal!

Love with a Latte said...

I have something waiting for you on my blog today! Enjoy your Saturday!