Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A little down time

This is my favorite way to spend the girls naptime. Well, other than taking a nap myself! :)

Prayer has always been a struggle. It always feels like a one way conversation, but I am sticking to it. So, I started reading Nehemiah, who was such a prayer warrior. I can take some notes from my man Nehemiah, that's for sure!

This is my verse for the month of October!

"O Lord, God of Heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant  of love with those who love him and obey his commands, let your ear be attentive and  your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel." NEHEMIAH 1:5-6

And my motto for this month should be SHUT UP AND PRAY! Ha!


Cherry said...

What a wonderful way to spend your girls' naptime: In The Word! In the morning, I read a Charles Stanley Devotional: Standing Strong and Tall Through Prayer. It was about Nehemiah, a man who lived on his knees in prayer:). Later in the day I read your blog post. You're on to something! BE ENCOURAGED as you have encouraged me! Cherry

Sarah said...

I love Charles Stanley! In fact, I was inspired to read Nehemiah from his monthly magazine In Touch. In the back there is a devotion for every day of the month, and the first day's devotion was based on a reading from Nehemiah. Loved it, felt it was something I wanted to read more on, so here I am...