Monday, August 22, 2011

Relationship S.O.S.

I distinctly remember back to when the girls were about 2 weeks old, and laying in bed one afternoon while the girls were sleeping, and just crying my tired eyes out. I remember an overwhelming feeling that my relationship with Mike was changed forever. And it scared the daylights out of me.

Flash forward to a year later. We are getting more sleep (thank goodness!) and while our daily lives are busy between work and spending time chasing 2 walking toddlers, life is good. Mike has been my partner in this crazy child raising journey and I couldn't have asked for a better one. But, like a lot of "new" parents I'm sure, our relationship has changed. Time for just the 2 of us has gone out the window. Maybe I'm the one that caused the change, because I know for sure that I am a different person since the twins have arrived. 100% of my focus is on Morgan and Taylor, and when they go to bed at night, I am exhausted. All I can think about is laying down in my comfy bed and shutting my worn out eyes. Poor Mike. There's not a lot of leftover energy for him. And I feel guilty.

I know that date nights are important to have, but really, those are so few and far between. I am working on scheduling it (in my new Erin Condren planner--LOVE! But that's a whole other post), but it hasn't been nailed down yet.

So, my question for all of you is this. How do you manage to connect with your hubby, especially when you have zero energy leftover? What's the secret to make it over the "I'm way too tired" hurdle?


Unknown said...

Oh gosh, don't I know what you mean :)

I honestly have to make a conscious effort to turn off the computer, the TV or whatever else is keeping my attention and instead focus on the hubby. All our alone time is intentional because now it has to be! There are days when I'll actually take it easy and possibly sleep when Eli sleeps just so I can stay away with my husband and share some time with him. I guess at this stage of the game it's all about making the choice to make time for one another.

Bri said...

Cute new blog design!

And I can relate - we have two kids also, and after the work day ends and the kids are in bed, the only thing on my mind is getting a couple hours sleep before our 6 month old wakes for a feeding. I love my husband more than life itself, and we have to put an effort in.